Mixed Media on Paper

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Works in this gallery are those created on paper and some come from two series of very small works: Look Homeward: Flashbulb Memories and Shadowland, that pairs full color original digital photographs with a variety of media including inks, waterborne enamel, acrylic paint, wax pastels, and flashe paint.

Look Homeward investigates the powerful connection between place, emotion and memory. I left my Butler County home more than 40 years ago; this work considers the potent connections related to home as an emotional and meaning-laden construct captured as “flashbulb memories.” “Flashbulb memories” occur when an event is emotionally significant. The works in Shadowland are metaphors for a place of shadow, that indeterminate borderland between places or states, between indecision and compromise—the “gray area” that is so much a part of our world. This body of work was born in response to an invitation to participate in a social experiment and exhibition by artist and curator Jeffrey Cortland Jones called Grey/Gray Matter. Artists were asked to take an existing postcard and cover the front a monochrome gray. These small mixed media pieces are slow work. Contemplation rewards the viewer with singular meaningful visual statements of altered, resonant spaces illuminating the complex relationship between place, emotion and memory.